
Re-imagining the Care Experience
Discover the future of healthcare with Patrium Health's simple AI-driven platform.

What is Patrium Health?

We’re building the infrastructure that will power healthcare at home.

Automatically extract demographics, diagnoses and medications from referral documents

Voice documentation allows clinicians to focus on patients, not paperwork

Patient and condition specific in-app visit plans help clinicians stay on track

Experience a 20%+ overall increase in productivity with Patrium Health.
Discover the future of healthcare with Patrium Health's simple AI-driven platform.
Learn More
A nurse providing care to a patient

Focus on your patient, not paperwork

Start Recording

Easily capture patient visits right from your iPhone or Android device. No complex hardware required.

Deliver Care

Talk to the patient like you normally would, Patrium runs in the background documenting the conversation in real-time.

AI Generates Clinical Note

Patrium filters out small talk, identifies key clinical information and generates EHR ready notes.

Review & Sign Off

Once completed, review your AI generated notes and sign-off the results.

Data Syncs with EHR

Your notes and outcomes from your visit are automatically sent over to your EHR for safekeeping.

Patrium Health helps you deliver better healthcare at home.

Discover the future of healthcare with Patrium Health's simple AI-driven platform.
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